Monday, April 8, 2013

Ahmed bin Muhammad bin as-Salt bin al-Mughallis, Abu al-Abbaas al-Himmaani


أحمد بن محمد بن الصلت بن المغلس أبو العباس الحماني ويقال أحمد بن الصلت ويقال أحمد بن عطية ابن أخي جبارة بن مغلس البغداذي أصله من الكوفة

Ahmed bin Muhammad bin al-Salt bin al-Mughallis, Abu al-Abbaas al-Himmaani, and it is said: Ahmed bin as-Salt, and it is said: Ahmed bin Atiyyah Ibn Abi Akhi Jubaarah bin Mughallis al-Baghdaadi – his origin is from Koofah

Tabaqah: 13

Death: 308 H

Teachers: Abu Nu’aym al-Fadl bin Dukayn, Muslim bin Ibraaheem, Bishr bin al-Waleed al-Kindi, Qaasim bin Salaam Abu Ubayd, Abu Ghassaan al-Nahdi, and others.

Students: Ahmed Ibn Shaazaan, Ahmed Ibn Abi Hafs, Abdullah bin Adee al-Jarjaani, Al-Ja’aabi, Makram bin Ahmed al-Qaadhi, Abu Amr ibn as-Simaak, Abu al-Fath Muhammad bin al-Husayn al-Azdi and others.

Status: Kadh-dhaab, Fabricator

Opinions of Ahl ul-Jarh wat Ta’deel:

Those who criticized him:

1-    Imaam Abdul Baaqi bin Qaani’ al-Baghdaadi (D. 315) said:

"ابن الصلت ليس بثقة"

“Ibn as-Salt is not Thiqah
[ Taareekh Baghdaad by al-Khateeb (5/338)]

2-    Imaam Ibn Hibbaan (D. 354) said:

راودني أصحابنا على أن أذهب إليه فاسمع منه فاخذت جزءا لأنتخب فيه فرأيته حدث عن يحيى بن سليمان بن نضلة عن مالك... وعن هناد.... فعلمت أنه يضع الحديث فلم أذهب إليه ورأيته يروي عن جماعة ما أحسبه رآهم
“My Companions suggested that I join the gathering of Ibn al-Mughallis. I took a book of him and had a cursory look over it…. (Through the study of this book) I came to know that he fabricates narrations, so I did not go to him, and I saw him narrating from a group of narrators whom he had not even seen.”
[ Al-Majroheen by Ibn Hibbaan (1/153)]

3-    Imaam Abu Ahmed bin Adee al-Jarjaani (D. 365) said:

أَحْمَد بْن مُحَمَّد بْن الصلت أَبُو العباس البغدادي ينزل الشرقية يحدث عَن ثابت الزاهد وعبد الصمد بْن النعمان، وغيرهما من قدماء الشيوخ- قوم قد ماتوا قبل أن يولد بدهر، ما رأيت فِي الكذابين أقل حياء منه، رأيته فِي سنة سبع وتسعين ومائتين قدرت أن له ستين سنة أو نَيَّفَ عَلَيْهَا.

“Ahmed bin Muhammad bin as-Salt Abu al-Abbaas al-Baghdaadi used to reside in ‘Ash-Sharaqiyyah’. He narrates from Thaabit az-Zaahid, Abd us-Samad ibn al-Nu’maan and others from the old Shuyookh – whereas those (old Shuyookh) whom he (claims to) narrate from have died before he was even born. I have not seen anyone among the Liars more shameless than him. I saw him in the year 297H, and I figured that he would be 60 or more than 60 years old.”
[ Taareekh Baghdaad by al-Khateeb (6/175), Chain Saheeh]

4-    Imaam Abu al-Hasan ad-Daaraqutni (D. 385) said:

أَحْمَد بْن مُحَمَّد بْن المغلس ابْن أخي جبارة يعرف بابن الصلت أَبُو الْعَبَّاس، بغدادي يروي عَن ثابت الزاهد، وإسماعيل بْن أَبِي أويس، وأبي عبيد الْقَاسِم بْن سلام، ومن بعدهم، يضع الحَدِيث.

““Ahmed bin Muhammad bin al-Mughallis bin Akhi Jubaarah, known as, Ibn as-Salt Abu al-Abbaas, Baghdaadi narrates from Thaabit az-Zaahid, Ismaa’eel bin Abi Uways, Abu Ubayd al-Qaasim bin Salaam and from others. He Fabricates Hadeeth.”
[ Taareekh Baghdaad by al-Khateeb (5/237, 6/285), Chain Saheeh]

5-    Imaam Abu al-Fath bin Abi al-Fawaaris (D. 412) said:

هو ابْن أخي جبارة بْن مغلس كَانَ يضع.
“He is Ibn Akhi Jubaarah bin Mughallis, he fabricates
[ Taareekh Baghdaad by al-Khateeb (5/338), Chain Saheeh]

6-    Imaam Abu Nu’aym al-Asbahaani (D. 430) said:

أَحْمد بن مُحَمَّد بن الصَّلْت أَبُو الْعَبَّاس الْحمانِي يروي عَن بن أبي أويس والقعنبي وَعَن شُيُوخ لم يلقهم بالمشاهير والمناكير لَا شَيْء مَاتَ بعد الثلاثمائة
“Ahmed bin Muhammad bin as-Salt Abu al-Abbaas al-Hammaani narrates famous and Munkar narrations from Ibn Abi Uways, Al-Qa’nabi, and from Shuyookh he did not even meet; He is nothing. He died after 300H”
[ Ad-Du'afa by Abu Nu'aym (P. 65)]

7-    Imaam Khateeb al-Baghdaadi (D. 463) said:

حَدَّثَ عَنْ: ثابت بْن مُحَمَّد الزاهد، وأبي نعيم الْفَضْل بْن دكين، ومسلم بْن إِبْرَاهِيم، وبشر بْن الوليد، ومحمد بْن عَبْد اللَّه بْن نمير، وجبارة بْن مغلس، وأبي بَكْر بْن أَبِي شيبة، وأبي عبيد الْقَاسِم بْن سلام، أحاديث أكثرها باطلة هو وضعها.
“He narrated from Thaabit bin Muhammad az-Zaahid, Abu Nu’aym al-Fadl bin Dukayn, Muslim bin Ibraaheem, Bishr bin al-Waleed, Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Numayr, Jubaarah bin Mughallis, Abu Bakr bin Abi Shaybah, and Abu Ubayd al-Qaasim bin Salaam, ahaadeeth most of which are Baatil, he is the one who fabricated them
[ Taareekh Baghdaad by al-Khateeb (5/338)]

8-    Ibn al-Qaysaraani (D. 507) said:

هَذَا يَضَعُ الْحَدِيثَ عَلَى الثِّقَاتِ
“This person fabricates narrations on the Thiqah narrators”
[ Tadhkirat ul-Huffaadh by Ibn al-Qaysaraani (P. 288)]

9-    Imaam Shams ud-Deen adh-Dhahabi (D. 748) said:

كذاب وضاع فلذا يدلسه بعضهم فيقول: حدثنا أحمد بن عطية.وبعضهم أحمد بن الصلت
He is a Liar and a Fabricated that is why some people have (kept him hidden from their chains) by doing Tadlees, saying: Ahmed bin Atiyyah narrated to us, and some said, Ahmed bin as-Salt”
[ Meezaan al-I'tidaal by Dhahabi (1/140)]

10-          Haafidh Burhaan ud-Deen al-Halabi (D. 841) said:

أحمد بن محمد بن الصلت بن المغلس الحماني كذاب وضاع

“Ahmed bin Muhammad bin as-Salt bin al-Mughallis al-Hammaani is a Liar and a Fabricator
[ Al-Kashf al-Khatheeth Amman Rami Biwada’ al-Hadeeth by al-Halabi (P. 53)]

11-          Haafidh Iraaq al-Kinaani (D. 963) said:

أحمد بن محمد بن الصلت بن المغلس الحمانى وضاع
“Ahmed bin Muhammad bin as-Salt bin al-Mughallis al-Hamaani is a Fabricator
[ Tanzeeh ush-Sharee’ah al-Marfoo’ah (1/33)]

The Lies and Fabrications of this narrator concerning Abu Haneefah

This narrator usually comes with the following names in the chains:

أحمد بن محمد = أحمد بن الصلت = أحمد بن عطية = أحمد بن المغلس

This narrator is indeed a Liar and a Fabricator, but he was specifically a skilled liar in fabricating narrations in the virtues of Abu Haneefah. And even more interesting thing is that this Liar fabricates the virtues of Abu Haneefah on those very Muhadditheen who have explicitly criticized Abu Haneefah.

Imaam Khateeb Baghdaadi points towards this, saying:

وهكذا روى الحميدي عن ابن عيينة، ولسفيان بن عيينة في أبي حنيفة كلام غير هذا كثير يشبهه في المعنى، قد ذكرناه في أخبار أبي حنيفة، ولو كان ابن عيينة أعظم أبا حنيفة ذاك الإعظام وجعله رابع أئمة علماء الإسلام لم يقدم عليه بالقول الشنيع هذا الإقدام، فبان بما ذكرناه أن أحمد ابن المغلس زاد فيما روى واختلق ما حكى، ونسأل الله العصمة من الزلل، والتوفيق لصالح القول والعمل.

This filthy person did not stop after fabricating one or two narrations; he has authored a complete book with fabricated virtues of Abu Haneefah. One Qalmi Nuskha of this fabricated book is also present in Dar ul-Kutub al-Misriyyah as per the saying of Muhammad Azeez Shams (hafidhahullah). [Muqaddimah Al-Lamhaat P. 21]

This whole book is a compilation of Lies which are fabricated by this same filthy person, as Imaam Daaraqutni (rahimahullah) has affirmed:

Abu al-Qaasim al-Azhari (D. 435) said:

سئل أَبُو الْحَسَن عَلِيّ بْن عُمَر الدَّارَقُطْنِيّ- وأنا أسمع- عَنْ جمع مكرم بْن أَحْمَدَ فضائل أَبِي حنيفة. فَقَالَ: موضوع كله كذب، وضعه أَحْمَد بْن المغلس الحماني

“I asked Abu al-Hasan Ali bin Umar ad-Daaraqutni – and I heard – about the compilation of Makram bin Ahmed in virtues of Abu Haneefah, so he said: It is fabricated; all of it is a Lie, it is fabricated by Ahmed bin al-Mughallis al-Hammaani
[Taareekh Baghdaad: 5/338, Chain Saheeh]

The book of Imaam Saymree (D. 436), “Akhbaar Abi Haneefah wa Ashaabuhu” is also written at the mercy of this Liar and Fabricator. Therefore, most of the parts of this book are written through the chain of this Khabeeth person.

Similarly, most of the narrations in “Manaaqib Abi Haneefah by Mawfaq al-Makki” are also through the chains of this narrator which are fabricated by this Ahmed bin as-Salt bin al-Mughallis.

Those who praised him:



Ahmed bin al-Mughallis is unanimously agreed upon to be a Liar and a Fabricator. He has fabricated many virtues of Abu Haneefah.

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