Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mubaarak bin Fadaalah, Abu Fadaalah al-Basari


مُبَارَكُ بنُ فَضَالَةَ بنِ أَبِي أُمَيَّةَ القُرَشِيُّ العَدَوِيُّ، أَبُو فَضَالَةَ البَصْرِيِّ

Mubaarak bin Fadaalah bin Abi Umayyah al-Qurashi al-Adawi, Abu Fadaalah al-Basri

Tabaqah: 6 – From the Contemporaries of Minor Taabi’een

Death: 166 H

Narrated by: Al-Bukhaari Ta’leeqan – Abu Dawood – Tirmidhi – Ibn Maajah

Teachers: Bakr bin Abdullah al-Muzani, Thaabit al-Bunaani, Habeeb bin Abi Thaabit, Hasan al-Basri, Humayd at-Ta’weel, Abdullah bin Muslim bin Yasaar, Abd Rabbih bin Sa’eed, Abdullah bin Abi Bakr bin Anas bin Maalik, Abdullah bin Umar al-Umri, Ali bin Zayd bin Jud’aan, Hishaam bin Urwah, Yoonus bin Ubayd, Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Aqeel bin Abi Taalib al-Qurashi, Muhammad bin az-Zubayr at-Tameemi, and others.

Students: Ibraaheem bin Humayd at-Ta’weel, Bahz bin Asad, Sulemaan bin Harb, Abdullah bin al-Mubaarak, Affaan bin Muslim as-Saffaar, Abu Nu’aym al-Fadl bin Dukayn, Wakee’ bin al-Jarraah, Abu Dawood at-Tiyaalsi, Abu al-Waleed at-Tiyaalsi, Mu’ammal bin Ismaa’eel al-Qurashi and others.

Status: Thiqah, Mudallis

Opinions of Ahl ul-Jarh wat Ta’deel:

Those who praised him:

1-    Imaam Affaan bin Muslim said: “He is Thiqah”
[Al-Jarh wat Ta’deel: 8/339, Chain Saheeh]

2-    Imaam Abu Zur’ah ar-Raazi said: “He commits a lot of Tadlees, therefore (only) when he says Haddathana (i.e. affirming his sama), he is Thiqah”
[Al-Jarh wat Ta’deel: 8/339]

He also said: “I don’t think he narrated anything from him (i.e. Khubayb bin Abdur Rahmaan)”
[Al-Maraaseel by Ibn Abi Haatim: 1/223]

3-    Imaam Abu Haatim ar-Raazi said: “He is more beloved to me than Ar-Rabee’ bin Sabeeh”
[Al-Jarh wat Ta’deel: 8/339]

He also said: “A group of people from Basrah narrate from Anas while they did not hear from him, Mubaarak bin Fadaalah is among them”
[Al-Maraaseel by his son Ibn Abi Haatim: 1/223]

4-    Imaam Abu Eesa at-Tirmidhi authenticated his hadeeth in al-Sunan
[H. 2018, 2594]

5-    Imaam Abu Bakr al-Bazzaar said: “There is nothing wrong in his hadeeth; a lot of people of knowledge have narrated from him”
[Musnad al-Bazzaar: 9/111]

6-    Imaam Abu al-Hasan al-Ijlee said: “He is Basri, there is nothing wrong in him”
[Thiqaat: 1/419]

7-    Imaam Ibn Adee said: “I think his normal narrations are Mustaqeem”
[Al-Kaamil: 8/26]

8-    Imaam Abu Awaanah authenticated his hadeeth in his Saheeh
[H. 5570]

9-    Imaam Ibn Hibbaan mentioned him in his book of Thiqah narrators and said: “He (sometimes) commits mistakes”
[Thiqaat: 7/501]

Ibn Hibbaan also authenticated and narrated his ahadeeth in his Saheeh
[H. 566, 792, 2834, 2988, 2991, 4516, 4756, 5285, 6085, 6164, 6435, 6507, 6521, 6613, 6964]

10-          Imaam Abu Abdullah al-Haakim said: “Mubaarak bin Fadaalah is from the people of Zuhd (austerity) and Ilm (knowledge) wherein the likes of him do not harm (the authenticity of a hadeeth), except that the Shaykhayn did not narrate from him because of his (slight) weakness of memory”
[Mustadrak: H. 1423]

At another place, he authenticated his hadeeth saying: “Its chain is Saheeh”
[Al-Mustadrak: H. 1423, 4368, 4379, 7323, 7339]

At another place, he authenticated his hadeeth to be on the conditions of Muslim
[H. 1501]

11-          Imaam Zaya al-Maqdisi authenticated his hadeeth in al-Mukhtaarah by narrating from him
[H. 219, 1452 etc]

12-          Imaam Dhahabi said: “He is al-Haafidh al-Muhaddith as-Saadiq al-Imaam… from the Kibaar (Major) Ulama of Basrah….. He is Hasan ul-Hadeeth”
[Siyar A’laam al-Nabula: 7/281-284]

13-          Haafidh Ibn Katheer authenticated his hadeeth saying: “Its chain is Jayyid”
[Musnad al-Faarooq: 2/497]

14-          Haafidh al-Haythami said: “The Majority has done his tawtheeq”
[Majma az-Zawaaid: 1/54]

At another place, he said: “He is Thiqah but he is Mudallis”
[Same: 1/96]

At another place, he said: “His hadeeth is Hasan”

Haythami also has a Marjooh opinion concerning this narrator
[See, Majma az-Zawaaid: 8/202]

15-          Haafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani said: “He is Sadooq”
[Taqreeb: 6464]

At another place, Haafidh Ibn Hajar authenticated his hadeeth saying: “Its chain is Jayyid”
[Fath ul-Baari: 13/25]

At another place, he authenticated his hadeeth saying: “Its chain is Saheeh”
[Fath ul-Baari: 10/383; & Mukhtasar al-Bazzaar: 1/664]

16-          Badr ud-Deen Aynee al-Hanafi authenticated one of his hadeeth saying: “Its chain is Hasan”
[Umdat ul-Qaari: 22/62]

Those who criticized him:

1-    Imaam Abdur Rahmaan bin Mahdi said: “We did not narrate anything from Mubaarak except that in which he said ‘I heard al-Hasan’ (i.e. affirming his sama)”
[Ad-Du’afa al-Ukaylee: 1816, Chain Saheeh]

2-    Al-Marwazi said, I asked Abu Abdullah (Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal) about Mubaarak bin Fadaalah and Abu Hilaal so he said: “They both are close to each other, they both are ‘Laysa Bidhaaka’”
[Al-Ilal by Ahmed, narrated by al-Marwazi: 1/55]

3-    Imaam Abu Abdur Rahmaan al-Nasaa’ee said: “He is Da’eef”
[Ad-Du’afa wal Matrokeen by Nasaa’ee: 1/98]

4-    Imaam Abu Ja’far al-Ukaylee mentioned him in ad-Du’afa
[4/224 T. 1816]

5-    Ibraaheem bin Ya’qoob al-Juzjaani said: “Al-Mubaarak bin Fadaalah and Ar-Rabee’ bin Sabeeh, their hadeeth is weakened, they are not from the people of Thabat”
[Ahwaal ur-Rijaal: 203]

6-    Imaam Abu al-Hasan ad-Daaraqutni said: “Mubaarak bin Fadaalah is Layyin, Katheer ul-Khataa, Basari, Yu’tabar bihi”
[Su’aalaat al-Barqaani li’d-Daaraqutni: 1/64]

7-    Imaam Abu Bakr al-Bayhaqi said: “Evidence is not taken from him”
[Sunan al-Kubra lil Bayhaqi: 8/110 H. 16092]

8-    Haafidh Ibn al-Jawzee mentioned him in ad-Du’afa

Note: The weakness of Mubaarak attributed to Imaam Ali ibn al-Madeeni is not proven with an authentic chain.

Contradictory Opinions:

The following saying is contradictory, thus neutral.

1-    Imaam Yahya ibn Ma’een said: “He is Da’eef, he is similar in weakness to Ar-Rabee’ bin Sabeeh”
[Al-Ilal by Ahmed, narrated by Abdullah bin Ahmed: 3/10]

Then in another place, he said: “He is Thiqah”
[Taareekh Ibn Ma’een by ad-Dauri: 4/83]

Mubaarak bin Fadaalah & Tadlees

1-    Imaam Yahya bin Sa’eed al-Qattaan said: “We wrote from Mubaarak bin Fadaalah in that time” and he said: “And we did not accept anything from him except that in which he said: Haddathana, Akhbarna (i.e. affirmed his sama)”
[Taareekh Baghdaad: 15/279, Hasan]

Note: This saying proves that what is narrated concerning Imaam Yahya that he would not narrate from Mubaarak is incorrect and based on the personal observation of the observer; whereas this saying of Imaam Yahya al-Qattaan himself proves the opposite.

Moreover, this saying also proves that Imaam Yahya al-Qattaan also considered Mubaarak to be a Mudallis and did not accept those narrations from him in which he did not affirm his hearing.

It is also narrated that Imaam Yahya al-Qattaan used to praise Mubaarak
[See, Al-Jarh wat Ta’deel: 8/339, Chain Saheeh]

1-    Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal said: “Mubaarak commits Tadlees”
[Ad-Du’afa by al-Ukaylee: 1816]

2-    Imaam Bukhaari said: “There is a lot of tadlees from him”
[Taareekh al-Kabeer: 3/279 T. 952]

3-    Imaam Abu Zur’ah ar-Raazi said: “He commits a lot of Tadlees, therefore (only) when he says Haddathana (i.e. affirming his sama), he is Thiqah”
[Al-Jarh wat Ta’deel: 8/339]

4-    Imaam Dhahabi said: “He commits Tadlees”
[Deewaan ad-Du’afa: 1/335]

5-    Haafidh Ibn Hajar al-Asqalaani has mentioned him in third level of Mudalliseen
[See, Tabaqaat al-Mudalliseen with Fath ul-Mubeen: P. 60]

In al-Taqreeb, Haafidh Ibn Hajar has mistakenly said that: “He used to commit Taswiyah (a severe kind of Tadlees)”

However, this saying of Ibn Hajar is not proven from anywhere that Mubaarak used to commit Tadlees Taswiyah. On the contrary the likes of, Abu Zur’ah have said that when he affirms his hearing then he is Thiqah – which clearly denotes that his tadlees is not from the type of Taswiyah (in which case a Mudallis has to affirm the hearing of each narrator in the chain, besides his Shaykh).

Shaykh Albaani has said that: “Al-Haafidh has erred in describing Al-Mubaarak with Tadlees Taswiyah, and certainly whenever this narrator affirms his hearing from his Shaykh then he is Hasan ul-Hadeeth, wallahu a’lam”
[Silsilah as-Saheehah: 1/952]

Moreover, Shaykh Zubayr Ali Za’ee said in his Tahqeeq of Tabaqaat al-Mudalliseen that: “The saying of al-Haafidh that he commits Taswiyah is wrong in my Tahqeeq, wallahu a’lam”
[Fath ul-Mubeen: P. 60]

6-    Haafidh al-Alaa’ee has also mentioned him among the Mudalliseen
[Jaami al-Tahseel: P. 108]

7-    Similarly, Abu Zur’ah Ibn al-Iraaqi (50)
8-    Al-Suyooti (48)
9-    Al-Halabi (P. 46)
10-          Al-Maqdisi
11-          And Al-Dameeni (3/152) have all mentioned Mubaarak to be among the Mudallis narrators in their books of Mudalliseen.


Mubaarak bin Fadaalah is Sadooq Hasan ul-Hadeeth according to the Jumhoor and he is also a Mudallis. However, Tadlees Taswiyah is not proven from him. Therefore, his narrations in which he affirms his hearing from his Shaykh are Hasan and those in which he doesn’t then they are Da’eef in the absence of Shawaahid or Mutaabi’aat.
Wallahu a’lam!

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